3 Facts You May Not Know About Sleep Apnea

May 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — healthsleeptul @ 1:19 pm
someone wearing a CPAP machine

Despite its prevalence, sleep apnea remains widely misunderstood. One of the main reasons for this is that individuals experience the condition while they are asleep, leading many to be unaware of their condition. However, sleep apnea can significantly impact the quality of one’s sleep and overall quality of life. Continue reading to learn about some lesser-known facts about sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea Is Fairly Common

You probably know someone who suffers from sleep apnea, as it is a relatively common condition. Estimates suggest that approximately 8-16% of adults exhibit symptoms of sleep apnea, although the exact prevalence is difficult to determine due to the challenges of diagnosis.

Shockingly, a study published in Sleep Medicine suggests that around 90% of sleep apnea cases go undiagnosed. If you frequently snore and experience poor sleep quality, it may be worth discussing with your dentist the possibility of being screened for sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea Can Affect Your Mood

Sleep apnea can cause individuals to wake up numerous times throughout the night, leading to disrupted and non-restorative sleep. The chronic sleep deprivation that follows can have a significant impact on a person’s well-being, particularly their mood.

Over time, these effects can compound. Those who have sleep apnea are at a significantly higher risk of experiencing depression or anxiety compared to those without the condition.

CPAP Machines Aren’t the Only Solution

If you’ve encountered individuals with sleep apnea, you might be familiar with CPAP machines. This stands for continuous positive airway pressure, and these devices consist of small pumps connected to masks, which deliver positive air pressure to facilitate easier breathing and improve sleep quality.

However, not everyone finds CPAP machines convenient due to their bulkiness. Fortunately, sleep dentists can create custom oral appliances that fit inside the mouth during sleep. These appliances work by adjusting the jaw position and opening the airway. While oral appliances may not be suitable for everyone, they offer a more comfortable alternative for managing sleep apnea symptoms.

About Our Practice

At Cranbrook Dental Care, our exceptional team is committed to providing compassionate dental care with the utmost professionalism. This includes effective treatments and tips for those dealing with sleep apnea. We strive to deliver the highest quality of dental treatment to every patient through our dedication and expertise. If you have any inquiries regarding sleep apnea or any other dental concerns, please feel free to contact us through our website or by calling our office at (248) 647-5434.

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