About Our Specialty Dental Office – Tulsa, OK
Better Breathing for a Better Life
There is an extremely important part of the body that is hardly ever talked about, and it’s the airway. Just like your lungs, it’s essential to everyone’s ability to breathe, and it starts in the mouth. Problems like sleep apnea, lip and tongue-tie, and even orthodontic concerns can compromise the airway and cause several health issues that can drastically affect someone’s quality of life. At Healthy Sleep Tulsa, our team of doctors know how to find the root of those issues and treat them directly using customized, proven methods that can suit patients of all ages.
Experienced Dental Sleep Specialists

Dr. Hare, Dr. Reeder and Dr. Ross are dentists by trade, but they have over 30 years of experience helping patients lead healthier, happier lives. This means they have extensive training and years of experience when it comes to diagnosing sleep apnea and other airway problems as well as tackling them using effective, comfortable treatments.
Medicare & Medical Insurance Accepted

The last thing a parent or patient dealing with an airway problem should have to worry about is paying for their treatment, which is why our specialty sleep team is more than happy to work with both medical insurance plans as well as Medicare. No matter where you get your coverage, our team will work with it to ensure that your care is as affordable as possible.
Advanced Technology

In order to figure out exactly what is needed to open up a patient’s airway, our team of doctors utilize the latest technology so our solutions are always thorough and innovative. Right now, we are the only sleep practice in Tulsa with a CBCT scanner and pharyngometer, which allows us to scan the airway in great detail as well as make sure a patient is benefiting from their treatment.
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